Thursday, April 26, 2007

Installation of tank

Well Sunday 22nd April saw the long awaited installation of the Clemenger BBDO marine tank. Neil and I met Ian (from Ivanhoe Aquarium) at the office at 7.30pm. Feeling quite sneaky and hoping we didn't run into a security guard, we took the trolleys from despatch downstairs to help cart the heavy items up to the 2nd floor. Luckily Barbarinos next door has a ramp which allowed us to wheel the trolley up to the lifts, however this did take a long time.

Because it was mostly muscle power that was required at this time, I left the boys to it for the next hour or so, while I browsed the net and updated my time sheets!

After the tank was put in place, the live sand substrate was scouped in. On top of that went the live rock. This took a little bit of time to get looking good, as you have to find rocks that fit together nicely and that are stable enough to withstand water current and creatures roaming around on them.

Once happy with the aquascaping, it was time to pour the water in, bit by bit. The tank holds approximately 235 litres, so this took a few trips up and down the lift to refill the 20 litre containers.

The tank is an all in one "Sun Sun" system, with trickle filter. All the sand and rock has come from Ian's display tank, which he was pulling down, so we are very lucky to have an instant biological filtration system already.

After about 4 hours, we cleaned up the room and left the murky tank to settle overnight. You can see a couple of mobile phone images below.

Feeling very pleased with ourselves, we left Clemenger and got Maccas on the way home.

Naomi :)

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